Lesser Trefoil

Irish name:Seamróg
Scientific name:Trifolium dubium
Family Group:Fabaceae

Plentiful in dry roadside areas, fields, neglected land, and dunes. Blooms from May to August. An annual plant indigenous to the area.


The plant features globular clusters of tiny, pale yellow flowers, numbering between 10 to 15 per cluster, turning brown when in fruit. Its leaves consist of three triangular-oval leaflets with minuscule teeth, along with a stalked central leaflet. As the plant matures, both its stem and leaves take on a purple tinge. Nearly devoid of hairs, it typically grows semi-erect or prostrate, reaching heights of up to 40cm. Often worn as Shamrock on St. Patrick’s Day.

More information at https://www.irishwildflowers.ie/pages/176a.html