Common Pipistrelle

Irish Name:Ialtog fheascrach
Scientific name:Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Bird Family:Bats

Primarily a house-dwelling species, the common pipistrelle can be found in most habitat types except very exposed areas. It is the most prevalent bat species in urban areas of Ireland. These bats prefer locations near open water, meadows, and hedgerows, which offer optimal hunting grounds.


The common pipistrelle is the second smallest bat in Ireland but the most numerous and widespread. Their fur ranges from reddish-brown to dark brown on the back, with the abdomen being more grey to brown. Juveniles have darker fur than adults. They have short, triangular ears with rounded tips, and a small, short snout giving them a distinctive appearance. Their wingspan ranges from 20 to 25 cm, with narrow and pointed wings for fast, agile flight. Body length varies from 3 to 5.2 cm. Adults can weigh up to 8 grams before hibernation each autumn, slimming down to about 5 grams by spring.

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