
Irish Name:Coigeal na mban sí
Scientific name:Typha latifolia
Family Group:Typhaceae

The Irish name for this plant, “Coigeal na mban sí,” translates as “spindle of the banshee,” an evocative image that is easily understood.


Previously known as Reed Mace and also referred to as Cattail, this tall, upright plant resembles a reed and is frequently observed in rivers, canals, ditches, and marshes. Its long, narrow, grey-green leaves are flat and can grow up to 2cm wide. The tiny flowers are clustered in a dense spike, resembling a straight sausage, with yellow male flowers positioned above dark brown female ones. These flowers typically bloom from July to August. The fruits are carried on cottony down and dispersed by the wind. The Bulrush is a native plant.

More details can be found at https://www.wildflowersofireland.net/plant_detail.php?id_flower=42&wildflower=Bulrush.